Assistant Professor Raymond Co’s research focuses on investigating new theoretical frameworks to simultaneously address open questions in particle physics and cosmology, including the strong CP problem, the identity of dark matter, and the observed baryon asymmetry. He investigates potential experimental signatures of these models across particle physics, cosmology, and astrophysics.
Associate Professor Radovan Dermisek explores theoretical ideas related to the understanding of electroweak symmetry breaking, properties of the Higgs boson, physics beyond the Standard Model and grand unification. He also seeks new signatures of these models that can be searched for at current or near-future experiments.
Distinguished Professor Steven Gottlieb is a founding member of the MILC collaboration and a leading pioneer in the study of lattice QCD. He and his collaborators in the Fermilab Lattice and MILC collaborations have performed the most precise calculations of quark masses and weak matrix elements needed to determine the CKM matrix.
Distinguished Professor Alan Kostelecky is a leading authority in the study of Lorentz and CPT symmetries and their potential violations. His work in particle physics focuses on physics beyond the Standard Model and includes publications in formal theory and in phenomenology, which have triggered many new experimental studies.
Associate Scientist Ralf Lehnert’s research is centered on the physics of small departures from spacetime symmetries. His interests focus on the theoretical description of this idea as well as its consequences for present-day and near-future experiments in a variety of physical systems.
Associate Scientist Enrico Lunghi's main research topics are flavor physics with an emphasis on rare B decays and lattice QCD in the context of the FLAG review, collider phenomenology of models with extra vector-like quarks and leptons, and theoretical issues and experimental implications of Lorentz-violating effects in the quark sector.
Associate Professor Emilie Passemar's research concerns the studies of QCD in the non-perturbative domain using dispersive and effective field theory techniques. She is also interested in low energy probes of fundamental symmetries and flavor physics.
Professor Adam Szczepaniak is the director of the Nuclear Theory Center. His research interests include elementary particle physics and nuclear physics.