- Ph.D., Princeton, 1978

Steven A. Gottlieb
Emeritus Distinguished Professor, Physics
Emeritus Distinguished Professor, Physics
elementary particle physics (theoretical)
Steven Gottlieb has been working primarily in lattice QCD since the early 1980s. He is a founding member of the MILC Collaboration, and frequently works with the Fermilab Lattice Collaboration. He also was a member of the HotQCD collaboration for a number of years.
He has done leading calculations of the spectrum of QCD, the masses of five of Nature’s six quarks, the properties of the quark-gluon plasma, and weak matrix elements needed to determine the elements of the CKM quark mixing matrix. Tests of CKM mixing provide an important path in the search for beyond the standard model physics. Gottlieb is a member of the Flavour Lattice Averaging Group (FLAG) working primarily on semi-leptonic decays.
Gottlieb is also interested in high performance computing and is part of the Exascale Computing Project funded by the US Department of Energy. His work has also been supported by the National Science Foundation and Intel. He is Assocate Editor-in-Chief of Computing in Science and Engineering. In addition, he is co-editor with Rubin Landau of the Series in Computational Physics published by CRC Press/Taylor & Francis.