Our Physics faculty and students are engaged in cutting-edge research at the forefront of the field—from the study of complex biological systems to experiments on the simple yet mysterious neutrino. We use both theoretical and experimental approaches to conduct research in a wide range of areas. Our forty faculty members lead these investigations, in labs within Swain Hall on the Indiana University Bloomington campus and at facilities around the world.
Graduate student research
One theme is constant in all of this research - the importance of our graduate student researchers. As a student in our Physics department, you will have the opportunity to be a crucial and integral participant in some of the most exciting experiments in the field.
Undergraduates in the labs
Our talented undergraduate Physics majors, including those in our Applied Physics stream, are given research opportunities that prepare them to succeed in graduate school, industry, or in any career requiring problem-solving and technical skills.
Learn about research in our department
Emerging research field
Quantum Science and Engineering Center
IU’s new Quantum Science and Engineering Center will study the emerging field of quantum theory, particularly quantum entanglement, and “reflects the important contributions IU is making to this second quantum revolution.”

Research in the College of Arts + Sciences
As part of the College of Arts and Sciences, our students benefit from an array of resources to aid in research activities, including labs, institutes, equipment, and more.

Ask the big questions. Influence what’s next.
College of Arts & Sciences