Abstract: The recent interferometric and beam-splitter experiments signaling the presence of anyons in quantum Hall systems has created of resurgence of interest in the topic. Here, I will present a theoretical description of coherent state bulk anyons and their signatures in two particle correlators. I will demonstrate how a saddle potential, for instance created in a pinched point contact geometry, can model a beam-splitter. Anyon dynamics in such a potential reflects Hanbury-Brown Twiss correlations that can directly probe fractional statistics. I will also illustrate how the same setting can probe dynamics akin to that found in the astrophysical realm of black holes. Specifically, point-contact geometries can exhibit phenomena parallel to Hawking-Unruh radiation and black hole quasinormal modes associated with ringdowns in gravitational wave detection.
LENS/Condensed Matter Physics Seminar: Smitha Vishveshwara on Probing anyon correlations and blackhole-like dynamics in the quantum Hall bulk
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
3:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M.
Location: Swain West 214