In this week's installment of the Physics Colloquium series, David Wark will present “40 Years of Neutrinos” at 4:00 PM in Swain W. 119.
Abstract: I left IU in 1981, and since that time I have been involved in experiments exploring the basic nature of neutrinos, including the Los Alamos Tritium Beta Decay Experiment, SAGE, SNO, T2K, Super Kamiokande, and most recently the Hyper Kamiokande Experiment. During that time our understanding of neutrinos has completely transformed, partly because of the results of those experiments. The talk will discuss that transformation and where it might take us in the future. If an undergraduate from this year becomes a neutrino physicist, what might they be talking about 40 years from now? Along the way I have learned a few lessons, met some amazing people, and had some very unexpected experiences, and a few of those may get recounted in the talk as well.