- Postdoctoral Position, National Institute of Standards and Technology
- Ph.D., Harvard, 1990
- M.S., Harvard, 1985
- B.A., Illinois, 1982

W. Michael Snow
Professor, Physics
Professor, Physics
nuclear physics (experimental)
Weak interactions of the neutron: neutron decay and Standard Model tests of the electrweak theory, nucleon-nucleon weak interaction studies as probes of quark-quark correlations in the QCD ground state. Precision measurements of coherent scattering lengths in few body systems using neutron interferometry. Development of polarized 3He-based neutron polarizers and analyzers. Searches for neutron interactions beyond the Standard Model. Search for Chameleon dark energy using neutron interferometry.
mathematical description of single-neutron entangled states and quantum contextuality witness measurements
demonstration of the internal consistency of slow neutron scattering amplitudes measured using different methods, with applications to future searches for possible exotic neutron interactions
measurement of Bell and GHZ inequality violations using single-neutron entangled states at the Larmour neutron spin echo instrument at ISIS