- B.A., Reed College , 1965
- Ph.D., University of Washington, 1974
- Postdoc, Indiana University (1976-1979), University of North Carolina (1974-1976)

William W. Jacobs
Retired Senior Research Scientist, Physics
Retired Senior Research Scientist, Physics
nuclear physics (experimental)
Senior Research Scientist William W. Jacobs investigates the QCD
spin-flavor structure of the proton at STAR, parton fragmentation
functions at Belle, and dark matter and rare Tau lepton decays at
Belle II.
* The STAR experiment at RHIC, Brookhaven National Laboratory.
My focus is on investigations to understand the QCD spin-flavor
structure of the proton as it arises from constituent quarks and
gluons. Single and double spin measurements use colliding beams
of both longitudinally and transversely polarized protons in
RHIC, the world's only high energy polarized beam collider. A large
"Endcap" Electromagnetic Calorimeter, built primarily at IU has
aided such studies locally, an effort now spanning ~ 20 years.
An accumulation of novel RHIC spin results, with more expected via
a near term forward detector upgrade, help point the way to a
future EIC (Electron-Ion Collider).
* The Belle experiment at KEKB; the Belle II experiment at super KEKB,
both at the KEK Laboratory, Japan (https://belle.kek.jp/ and
At the B-factory Belle, my interest is in precise determination of
spin-dependent correlations and cross sections measured via clean
electron-positron annihilation collisions. These are used to
characterize the transition of asymptotically free partons into
hadrons, as described by (FF) fragmentation functions. FF provide
important information on open questions in nuclear physics,
but also have crucial use in e.g., proton-proton collision analyses
(STAR) to extract observables of physics interest.
The upgraded Belle II experiment recorded its first collisions from
SuperKEKB in April, 2018, ushering in a new era of precision for
measurements at the intensity frontier. At IU, besides continued FF
studies, understanding the particle nature and other interactions of
dark matter is of particular interest. Belle II is well suited for
such searches involving candidate or mediator particles in the
vector, Higgs and axion portals.
Because the high Belle II luminosities will produce a copious number of
tau leptons, tau-decay physics will push new limits. Use of correlated
production analysis techniques, along with minimal collision
background conditions, will allow sensitive new tests of Lepton
Flavor Violation and other rare processes of fundamental interest.